
Buildtest Schema

This repository contains the schemas used by buildtest. The development of schema is done independent of the framework.

buildtest schema docs can be found at here.

To configure buildtest use the settings.schema.json:

What is a schema?

A schema defines the structure of how to write and validate a JSON file. Since, python can load YAML and JSON files we write our Buildspecs in YAML and validate them with a schema file that is in json.

We make use of python-jsonschema run validate with a Buildspec with one of the schema file.


The following sites (along with the files here) can be useful to help with your development of a schema.

If you have issues with writing json schema please join the JSON-SCHEMA Slack Channel

How are schemas defined in buildtest?

Buildtest will contain a folder per schema (script, global, compiler, python, etc…) that contains one or more versions of the schema. Since each schema type has different versions we store them in format such as :


The format is <name>-vX.Y.schema.json

These schemas are also stored in buildtest here

How is this repository organized?

The entire root of this folder could be added to the folder shown above, and the subfolder structure would be added to the module. Importantly, the lowercase class names should match to a class defined in buildtest/buildsystem/ For example, the contents of the script directory here are expected to be added present at buildtest/schemas/script to go along with a class “Script” in the bases file.

How to contribute

Adding a new schema

Each schema in buildtest for a test configuration is represented here. If you want to make a new schema to add to buildtest:

  1. add a new folder that corresponds to the name of the schema. It should be all letters (uppercase and lowercase) with no special characters.
  2. the folder can optionally have a where you keep notes about the specification design.
  3. the folder should have a subfolder called “examples” and a subfolder for each version of the recipe
  4. ensure that the name of the schema is in the format (e.g., script-v1.0.schema.json)
  5. you should add one or more valid examples to each version folder, for instance script 1.0 valid examples are under examples (e.g., tests/valid/script/1.0/).
  6. you should add one or more invalid examples for example script 1.0 invalid examples are at tests/invalid/script/1.0
  7. Finally add regression test to validate schema definition and run a set of valid, invalid tests until all checks are passed and you are comfortable with schema design then issue a PR.

Be sure to update properties and take account for:

Adding a new version

Adding a new version means that you only need to:

In both cases, when the version is finished, a release means adding the file to buildtest under buildtest/buildsystem/schemas and implement the changes required in buildtest to support the schema.