
global schema Schema

buildtest global schema is validated for all buildspecs. The global schema defines top-level structure of buildspec and defintions that are inherited for sub-schemas

Abstract Extensible Status Identifiable Custom Properties Additional Properties Access Restrictions Defined In
Can be instantiated Yes Unknown status No Forbidden Forbidden none global.schema.json

global schema Type

object (global schema)

global schema Properties

Property Type Required Nullable Defined by
version string Required cannot be null global schema
maintainers array Optional cannot be null global schema
buildspecs object Required cannot be null global schema


The semver version of the schema to use (x.x).


version Type



One or more maintainers or aliases


maintainers Type


maintainers Constraints

minimum number of items: the minimum number of items for this array is: 1


This section is used to define one or more tests (buildspecs). Each test must be unique name


buildspecs Type

object (Details)

global schema Definitions

Definitions group env

Reference this group by using


| Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by | | :——- | —- | ——– | ——– | :——— |

Definitions group tags

Reference this group by using


| Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by | | :——- | —- | ——– | ——– | :——— |

Definitions group skip

Reference this group by using


| Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by | | :——- | —- | ——– | ——– | :——— |

Definitions group executor

Reference this group by using


| Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by | | :——- | —- | ——– | ——– | :——— |

Definitions group sbatch

Reference this group by using


| Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by | | :——- | —- | ——– | ——– | :——— |

Definitions group bsub

Reference this group by using


| Property | Type | Required | Nullable | Defined by | | :——- | —- | ——– | ——– | :——— |

Definitions group status

Reference this group by using

Property Type Required Nullable Defined by
slurm_job_state string Optional cannot be null global schema
returncode array Optional cannot be null global schema
regex object Optional cannot be null global schema


This field can be used for checking Slurm Job State, if there is a match buildtest will report as PASS


slurm_job_state Type


slurm_job_state Constraints

enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

Value Explanation


Specify a list of returncodes to match with script’s exit code. buildtest will PASS test if script’s exit code is found in list of returncodes. You must specify unique numbers as list and a minimum of 1 item in array


returncode Type


returncode Constraints

minimum number of items: the minimum number of items for this array is: 1

unique items: all items in this array must be unique. Duplicates are not allowed.


Perform regular expression search using python module on stdout/stderr stream for reporting if test PASS.


regex Type

object (Details)